Finding myself in the Middle East

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Three Kids=Surround Sound

New Year's Blog resolution: I will write often, and I will write better.

I have so much that I want to write about. The problem is, to write in a way that I can actually click the Publish Post button, one needs a bit of creative energy. Or just energy. And while my darling little boychik is sweet and beautiful and wonderful, leaving me full of energy is not one of his talents. He is up at night from around 1 oclock AM until 5, when he falls into an exhausted sleep.

But, not to shirk from his duties, as his eyes close, he calls out weakly to his sisters, "I've done my bit. You guys take over now." And they do. 5 o'clock in the Lord's Holy and Blessed Morning. They take over. Yogurt and wet diaper and mini morning crisis, as the sun rises.

Ah, my babies. How I love them. I do.

In case I forget how much I love them, as 3 o'clock in the morning can sometimes do to you when your muddled little brain throws up a flare and blearily says, everyone else is sleeping. Everyone. Everyone except me and this child, I have a little note at the side of my bed. On it are listed three names.

Shaina b-s Yehudis

Rivka b-s Sara Chaya

Blima b-s Hindy

They are my friends, and Hashem has not yet given them what I have.

It helps me count my blessings, even when my blessings come wrapped in leaking diapers.

So! I will write more! I will work on my book! I will get published! And I will go to the living room right now where it seems that Princess has Coco-pop in a head lock. Very loudly.

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